Friday, February 09, 2007

Sitting on the fence

Hmmmmmmmmmm. I have a dilemma.

I detest anything scrapping-related that implies any sort of 'celebrity'.

With a passion.

As I think I may have said before, to me, the hobby is about preserving family memories, for my family. There are many, many pages in my albums that I choose not to share on the good old www. Some of them might be very aesthetically pleasing as far as other scrappers are concerned, but are just too personal to hold up for public consumption. You get 'edited highlights', if you like, and I put these pictures up so you can see cute photos of my kids more than anything.

There are of course people who make a very good living out of this hobby, particularly in the States, where scrapbooking has been established for far longer, and I don't wish to detract from them in any way: after all they write informative books/ magazine articles etc. which inspire many of us. Good luck to them.

There are many people also, who have a natural ability to teach, inspire, encourage others. These people get on with things quietly, in their own way, running crops and seminars, not inviting 'celebrity' status, but rather revelling in the satisfaction that they have enabled others to grow. I am fortunate enough to know one of these people: she has encouraged me more than she will ever know.


there does now also seem to be a growing undercurrent of criticism 'over here', of people who are perceived to be attaining some sort of 'celebrity' status. Various threads on UK message boards, Blogs, and other such things. Snide comments. Downright rude statements.

Not interested, thank you.

I once dared to get involved in a public 'discussion' about a scrapping-related matter, which quickly degenerated into a character assassination. It was deeply hurtful to someone who has become a dear friend to me, and I have no wish to get involved in any sort of similar situation.

If people are willing to laugh at themselves, with their friends, and have a light-hearted take on life, then that's great. I for one will be the first to stick on a pair of novelty glasses and take a silly photo of myself. I love humour, satire, any form of comedy.

So for now, if anyone asks me to join in their fun and games,I shall reserve judgment.

You'll find me sitting on the fence, until such time as I can be sure that the fun and games are just that, rather than some fun at the expense of others.


Chrissie said...

Blimey. Who rattled your cage?! LOL!

Nat said...

Uh oh. Doesn't sound like fun. But I know what you mean...people can all too easily get swept up into that sort of thing. xxx

Eleanor said...

Oh dear - that ugly stuff rearing its head again, eh? I think you're right, keep schtumm, it's the less pleasant side of this largely female owned hobby of ours, which for some, as you say, is more than a hobby, and why not, but not everyone can accept the gift others have to give, with gratitude and appreciation. As long as there are people, there will be discontented, critical, bitter ones. :(
Did your postman come yet sweetie? ;) Mine didn't. :(

Tina said...

Ellie, my postman has been and gone, empty handed yet again. Shame really, as I have a day off today, and then working long hours for the rest of the week :(

Carole Bryson said...

Awww Tina ... who upset you ? Don't let the b's get ya down hun.

Hope the postie has turned up today for you ?

Big hugs xxxxxxxxxxxx

Unknown said...

I agree it can be a like that! we should try to remember why we started scrapping in the first place!