Thursday, February 08, 2007

Snow much fun!!

Well, this is a first: we have had snow overnight, and school is closed!!

We have been in this house for nine years next month, and I think this is the first time we have had 'proper' snow, which stops the buses running, and keeps us at home.

The girls have been having an absolute whale of a time, and I have been doing what every self-respecting Scrapper would do: taking pictures! Hard to chose my favourite (have taken 95 so far!!), but this has to be a contender.


Nat said...

Woah! That is one mammoth snowman!! Great pic - that new camera is paying off then?! We had a bot of snow - but it's all melted away already - boohoo!!

Chrissie said...

You are just a show off *as she stares miserably at the very green green grass in the garden*

Claire said...

Gorgeous photo Tina - looks like you had more snow than us for once!