Monday, February 19, 2007


Well, back are we, from our little Holiday!

We all enjoyed a fantastic weekend in London: a little shopping, a little eating, loads of mooching, and generally enjoying 'family time'.

Highlight of our trip was spending the whole day at Kew Gardens yesterday, where they had filled the Princess of Wales Conservatory with orchids, for the Tropical Extravaganza. Jaw-droppingly gobsmackingly beautiful.

I took a few (135) photos, between demisting of my camera lens, and generally walking round open-mouthed: so here is just one to whet your appetite.

Now, how to get all 135 on a Layout? May take some time!


Eleanor said...

I am sooooooo jealous. LONDON. Glad it was lovely.
btw, I am so useless with the word verification thing, I might get thrown off altogether, it usually takes at least 3 goes. I mean is that a w or is it 2 v's. here goes

Nat said...

Sounds like a great weekend Tina. Fab pic - can't wait to see some more of the 135 lol!! xx