Saturday, June 18, 2011

Sore feet...

...well, if you're going to attempt a marathon, it's always best to draft in a few friends to come and encourage you....but I may just have gone one better this time, in that a few of my friends also happen to play in a rather fabulous Samba band called Samba Doc. They were there, and thanks to a bit of 'inside information' just happened to time their performance to coincide with me crossing the finish line! I knew I was close (darn it I wish they had mile markers on that course) when I heard them start playing... and crossed the line to a rather loud and enthusiastic drum roll, with whistles and whoops thrown in for good measure. Lots of hugs, then they carried on playing whilst I stretched and had some food. The picture is me at the end, and yes, it is purple (growing old disgracefully). If you want to see exactly how good they are, go to You Tube and type in Samba Doc, would recommend 'parading through Tenby' as a good place to start.

So, that marathon. Hard. Very challenging course; BOY was I glad I put in so much hill training, particularly the 'twice round Lly-y-Fran reservoir' session. I overtook a lot of people on the hills (can't do them slowly, just have to go for it). Massive sense of achievement at finishing, and grateful thanks to those who supported me both by sponsoring me, but also with so much encouragement. Also thanks (I think) to the local radio station who managed to edit my 05.30 interview to make me sound almost human (although I could have done without them repeating said interview three times that week, eek).

Trouble is with these challenges, training is never quite the same again.... having a specific goal is so much easier. I am back in the gym, at classes, but sort of 'wandering' without a destination in mind. I may just have to set myself a new, different sort of challenge. Not sure exactly what yet...

1 comment:

Nat said...

Honestly Tina, you are SO inspirational :) Big congrats on completing the marathon!!! So what's you next challenge gonna be then hmmmmm?! ;) xxx