Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Never assume...( a Cautionary Tale)

You know the saying; 'never assume, as it makes an ass/u/me'?

Sometimes I should remind myself of that fact.

If my mobile phone rings, and the caller ID tells me it is **probably** Coffee Boy, as he is the only person who usually shows up as 'Private Call', I should just stop and think for a moment.

It might not be him.

Had I done that when my phone rang this evening, whilst I was cooking the childrens tea, I might not have used a rather comic cheery 'let's cheer him up, he's had a rough couple of days' voice. Indeed, I might not have, in said cheery voice, said;

"Hello, Ratatouille Factory"

Only to discover that in fact it wasn't Coffee Boy at all, but the HR Department of 'New Employer to Be'.

Hmm, get out of that one!

1 comment:

Nat said...

ROFL!!! I take it that it is good news then?! xxxx