Sunday, January 06, 2008

The times they are a changin' (New Year 'Revolution'??)

What a bad Blogger I have been. Too Random, even by my standards.

So much has happened since I last Blogged, there's no point even in trying to recap! Mostly good things, I'm pleased to say: with the best one of course being the arrival of Archie in September!

I have wrestled with the idea of making this Blog password-only, but have decided against it. Having established that someone does, in fact, read my random ramblings, I thought it churlish to make it difficult for you to browse, and hope that those people with whom I wish no further contact will simply not bother to read at all.

So, a new year. BIG changes in store for the house of Random. I can't tell you (for I would then have to shoot you), but those who know me already know what's going on, and for your continued support and good luck wishes, I thank you all.

My big-40 'plan' is actually happening, as I have had confirmation that I have a place on the Playtex Moonwalk. No 'half-mooning' for me: I'm power-walking the London Marathon here guys, all in aid of Breast Cancer,(in my decorated bra!!!) so moral support will be very welcome!

I cannot promise to Blog daily, for it would be far too tedious, but I will try and manage more than every six months!!

Later, peeps!

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