Friday, April 27, 2007

I'm so excited....

I never was much good at keeping secrets!

Well congrats to Chrissie, Gill and Pinny, who all guessed correctly :although I did point out the huge clue in my last post!!

We entered a draw ages ago (before Christmas) with the Caravan Club. It is the club Centenary this year, and the Queen is holding a Garden Party to celebrate. We received a letter yesterday saying that we were to be amongst those people invited! How posh is that?

The official communication will come some time towards the end of June, which will give us our 'instructions', but I do know that hats are expected of the ladies (best excuse I'll have this year!) and obviously Phil will look gorgeous in a suit. Not sure I can take a camera in, but I will definitely scrap the event!

So, darlings, if you want me on 23rd July, I shan't be here: you'll have to leave a message with the Butler.



Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ooh 'ark at 'er!

well done hun, best behaviour now mind!

Chrism said...

:lol: well done honey :) you will enjoy it I am sure - probably won't allow the camera but there may be an official photographer there so you might be able to get something - oh and of course am sure you will be able to keep you napkin to put on a layout :lol:

Nat said...

Oooh fabby!!! :D xxx

Gill said...

Have a lovely time Tina, you can always take a photo before you go, or get someone else to take it for you. Does this mean a night stayover in a posh London hotel too?!?!?

Can't wait to see the photos and , of course the Layout too!?!?!


Chrissie said...

No blowing off or belching like a navvy in the presence of the monarch then. *snort*

Somehow you MUST get photos of you and Liz :D

Eleanor said...

Oh golly gosh, haven't been to visit your blog for aeons, and when I do I find some posh bird has taken over.
Way to go, Mrs Lil, how awfully tremendous for you. Shall have to fix you up with a micro camera in your corsage won't we?
Hope you're otherwise tickety boo, and the girlies and the boy.