Sunday, February 25, 2007

Dear Diary

Well, I can't believe it has been nearly a week since I last Blogged. What a busy bee I must have been? No, not particularly! Just the usual routine of school/work/swimming lessons/Brownies/running around after two girls: you get the picture?

My quest for the body-slightly-less-rotund-than-previously took a turn for the worse on Tuesday night, when I suffered an injury. Not life-threatening. Certainly not disabling, but definitely inconvenient. For a start I had to stay away from the gym for a couple of days, horror of horrors!

I tweaked a muscle in my back, which meant that I had difficulty sitting for long periods of time, and didn't sleep very well. Neither condusive to productivity at work or good temper at home. Dragon Mummy rides again!

Anyway, full recovery has meant that I managed an hour of BodyCombat this morning (pretending to hold someone down and punch them repeatedly is a rather satisfying form of stress relief!), followed by an hour of BodyPump just for good measure. (Followed of course by an hour in the bath with a Lush bathbomb: bliss).

Normality (or what passes for it around these parts) has been restored.

Oh, and the dangerous sport which resulted in the injury in the first place?

Tripping over in the changing rooms at the pool, one leg in my swimming costume, whilst trying (and failing) to stop my mobile phone from crashing to the floor.

It's a wonder they let me out on my own ;).


Claire said...

I still maintain that my policy of not excercising is much safer - and you've proved my rule! Yey for you!

Nat said...

ROFL!!! Aww, seriously, bless you, glad to hear you're better and back at the Body Pumping and all that - you surely must be a total slim jim by now?!! you're really an inspiration you know :) xxx