Tuesday, January 09, 2007

..and now for something completely different

...had a bit of fun scrapping these pics last night. The T-Shirt was given to us by a friend, and couldn't be more apt!

The journalling is on a tag concealed behind the main picture, and should be perfect to embarrass her hugely when she is 18: it tells her how hard we are finding parenting her at the moment, as she learns to assert herself (!): but that we love her anyway (mostly, LOL).


Chrissie said...

Love the way you've done the title there Tina-Wina.

When I gave birth to Celyn, a friend said to me about parenting, "First it's hard...and then it gets easy...and then it gets hard...and then it gets easy...and then it gets hard... It's a constant roller coaster. As you learn to deal with one phase, they move on and you have a whole new issue to deal with!"

So true isn't it!?

Nat said...

Fab LO! Embarrassing her when she's older? You cruel so and so!! Hehe!! xx