Sunday, August 15, 2010

Life is a roller coaster

Oh bad blogger, even more random that usual! In my defence, the past year has been a roller coaster of a ride, but one that finally seems to be settling down.

Work is of course our main priority, but one that seems to be going pretty well to date. Not sure about my new Boss, but he seems pretty accommodating so far ;)

We moved here to improve our 'quality of life', and that goal has certainly been reached! We rarely work late, and spend loads of time walking on the beach or just hanging around with our friends. The girls one and two have taken up golf and sailing respectively, whilst the boys are simply happy that the beach is so close.

The best news of all is that the 'hole in the house' saga is finally over with, and my studio is both fully accessible, and fully 'up and running'. Bliss. My little shop on the web is ticking over nicely, and I still get the same thrill that someone likes my beadies enough to part with their hard earned cash for them!


Nat said...

Glad your new life is working out so well for you...and that blooming hole in your house is sorted lol!!! xxx

Claire said...

Can't believe I visit your blog so infrequently yet I've only missed one post!

I know what you mean about roller-coasters - everything's changed for me too now! I'll have to catch up with you soon - but in the meantime, it's good to know that you're settling down properly and all your businesses are ticking along nicely!

Much love,