Monday, March 16, 2009

I think I have a case of ......

...Facebook-induced Blog-neglect! I fought the whole FB thing initially, (until Chrissie wore me down ;)), and I have to agree that it is a great, if lazy, way to keep up to date with friends and family....BUT, as a result, I seem to have managed to stop blogging.

So, here I am.

Where do I start?

Actually, I think it's easier if I start just about now, rather than try to recap; it's far simpler.

Well,those of you who are 'in the know', also know that we are still here, waiting for the Big Move.

Frustrating though it is, there is, frankly, b****er all we can do about it, so we keep our house unbelievably tidy (my craft room no longer exists, Claire, you wouldn't recognise it!), and wait for the phone to ring. Encouragingly, we have had quite a lot of interest over the past few weeks, although I did lose my rag a bit today when the agent proposed to send someone who doesn't even have their own house on the market to look round. Tell them to call us when they are actually serious about buying a house please! We have been plagued by other agents wanting to sell the house, and we caved in this afternoon and invited one of them round for a chat later in the week.

Having had everything packed away for so long, I got fed up the other week, and started to think about scrapping again. Easier said than done; my Mojo is also packed away in the loft!! So, off to Christina's I went, and took a great card and LO class, which did quite a lot to oil the wheels. I have carried on, and several pages now fill the fab album that Mr Coffee bought me for Christmas.

But I have also reached a decision. I think. (I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure...), and that is; that my pages won't feature on my Blog. Claire et al, you know where to find my layouts; anyone else who wants to know, just give me a shout and I'll point you in the right direction. This way, I have some control over who sees what goes on in my life and who doesn't, and maybe I will feel more able to blog a bit about it all as I go.

Other than that, the foot is healing, which makes the boys in my life very very happy! The Consultant told me on Friday that I can't power walk for at least another month though, which rather puts a damper on my idea of doing the Sunwalk in Bristol on 5th July, but we'll see; if I'm careful I might still get there.

Work is; well, work. Still the same mix of emotions on a minute by minute basis, mixed with a lot of 'how different would my life have been if I had been in the Job by now?'. But it will pass (just about the time we sell our house!).

'Toodlepip', as I used to say. Bit passe that, especially now someone else is using it. Get your own catchphrase matey!

1 comment:

ferrywij said...
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