Wednesday, June 10, 2009

....we're moving on out.....

at last, the news we've been waiting for. The mortgage company have got their act together and approved our application!

Relief doesn't even begin to cover how we're feeling at this moment; there was a very real possibility that they were going to refuse to finance the purchase.

Mr Coffee is in a packing frenzy.

I am finally allowing myself to believe that it's real, and in just a few weeks we'll be living in our dream house.

Hopefully in the next few days we'll have a date to work towards and we'll know more.

Can't sit still, I'll be packed in a box!


Nat said...

Whoop whoop! Great news for you all Tina :)

Can't wait to hear the details of your dream house. Going by the lil tease you gave me before - should I dust off my overalls to help you unpack?! lol xxx

Claire said...

Whooop whoooop! Some good news at last for you! Can't quite believe it's all finally happening for you! Brilliant stop reading this and keep packing.....