Saturday, May 19, 2007

Don't stop me now....

...'cos I hope to be having a 'good time' tomorrow morning!!

Yes my friends, the day is finally upon us: the day that I attempt to run in public!!

I am utterly speechless at the support that you have all shown, both moral and financial: firstly to Chrissie and all at the South Wales crop for kicking off our fundraising efforts in such splendid style, then to family and friends, who have all donated so generously. I really am touched that in this day and age, when there are so many demands on our finances, that so many people have dug so deep to help raise money for Cancer Research UK. Link is here, go and see what you have done, all of you!!

Seven years ago yesterday, we lost Phil's Dad to Cancer. It is because of him that my beautiful daughter wants to do what she does best and run, to raise money to fund research into the causes of this wicked disease, and to hopefully one day, maybe even find a cure. It is because of him, that I have struggled with my tiredness and overweight self, to try and train, so that I can run at least part of the way. My friend Jo, herself recovering from cancer, will be there, walking round, thankful that she is still around to do so.

I am nervous, excited, and suffering from too many emotions to put into words. I may not manage very much in terms of speed or endurance. But I will get round that course, for FIL, my daughter, Jo, and every one of you who has supported me in so many ways.


Nat said...

Hope it all went swimmingly Tina!!! Can't wait to har about it :) xxx

Gail Is This Mutton? said...

How did it go? How brave you are!