Friday, January 19, 2007

Life imitating...

art, maybe?

Phil certainly understands and appreciates my need to scrap. I'm not sure if he sees it as my creative release, a way of unlocking all the ideas that float around my head (sometimes I even manage to catch one of them), or just a means to capture moments of our life, and preserve them for when the girls get older. Or, of course (and frankly this is a far more plausible theory), it could just be that it keeps me out of his kitchen, and stops me from getting under his feet when he is trying out his latest culinary masterpiece.

Anyway, my latest kit from The Scrap-Room arrived this week, amid much excitement as usual. These kits really are fantastic value, and have completely transformed the way I shop for things. We were admiring the papers and cardstock and embellishments. I was sniffing the coffee (glazed chocolate doughnut, yummylicious), and discussing the rather lovely colour combinations.

'That's it!!', he cried. 'The answer'.

'erm, to what?', ventured Yours Truly, worried that he might have decided that I have spent too much on stash (as if?!).

'The colour combination we've been looking for!'.

He then pointed out that the lime green and muted orange combination of a certain set of papers, was indeed that answer to the question that has been completely flummoxing the pair of us for nearly two years. Oh, we have talked it over, even tried a few ideas out: but never actually decided. We have ummed and aahed. We have experimented. We have despaired. But now, my friends, we have the answer. Resolution, at long last.

It does, however, present us with one more question. Do you think Kelly Pannacci from K&Co would be:
a/ flattered
b/ insulted, or
c/ just think we're completely and utterly bonkers

to hear that the inspiration for the planned new decor in our downstairs loo was directly taken from a set of her 12x12 scrapbook papers?

Answers on a postcard to the usual address....


Sprogpaws said...

Definitely A!! :oD

Nat said...

I reckon she'd be pooped lol!!

Nah - what a fab idea - I'm currently looking at my papers for some home decor inspirtion too!!!


Chrissie said... know what...I saw a product today that would just add that final finishing touch to your downstairs loo and match the colours of that paper/your paint EXACTLY!

Shall I tell...or shall I tease?

Tina said...

ooh, tell, tell!!

Chrissie said... either 12x12 or 8x8 unfinished wood box frame (exactly the right depth for an embellished-to-glory layout), that you can alter (using WHATEVER PAPERS YOU LIKE!!!) to match the layout inside... made especially for scrapbookers.

Interested? :-)